The Box Set
now available

Strength In Vulnerability

$90 includes shipping
Box Set Includes:
50 5x7 cards of my personal journal entries / poetry
Inclusive of:
12 5x7 life note cards
5 self portrait images
Many years ago, I went through a very dark and difficult time in my life. I was truly lucky to have survived it. I understand depression, anxiety, self-doubt and emotional abuse all too well. After some of the toughest decisions I have ever made, and in my search for answers to my pain, I began writing. It didn't stop for several months. My profile picture came to be after I decided I wanted to have a visual to accompany my writings. With the kind support of a very special group of friends/spiritual guides/artists, I just really needed to get what was in my head...out. So with their help, I did. After all these years, I have finally assembled the writings along with the pictures from the photo shoot. I have never released any of it publicly before. Here's a's just what I have to say.
I find, for me, looking back...these writings are strangely relevant to me again. Maybe one thing I have to say helps one person have a better day...and for he/she to know that they are not alone in their search for peace, or in their struggle to navigate pain. But most importantly, I hope to give support to the idea to never lose hope in the beauty of life. That would make it all worthwhile, to me. It's hard for me to be vulnerable, but I am slowly, but surely, finding that vulnerability is a unique kind of strength, instead of a weakness I, and we, have been conditioned to. I still have so much to learn. Day.By.Day.
Photo Credit:
Strength In Vulnerability, Chicago, 2003
Photography, Lighting, Makeup, Stylist:
Cassandra Stadnicki
Body Painting and Artistic Design:
Gustavo V.
Stained Glass Body Media, Spiritual Imprint, Artistic Design:
Peter Kime
Director, Conceptualization, Interior Design:
Julie Eppich